What I'm interested in
I'm mostly writing about various topics in machine learning. The posts here are the result of the notes I write as I dig into these topics ...
I'm mostly writing about various topics in machine learning. The posts here are the result of the notes I write as I dig into these topics ...
Flow Matching, Diffusion, Scores and Characteristic Functions
Wrong Direction, buddy
Walk the Walk (differently)
Two perspectives on Memory Efficient Gradients
The Link between Discrete and Continuous Diffusion
Optional Derivatives
Save yourself a lot of Bayes with a linear function
Fokker-Planck Equation Via Ito Calculus
Distributions as partial differential equations over time
From Complex Exponentials to Frequencies in O(N log N)
jax.jit(jax.vmap(x=Discrete Space, t=Continuous Time))
Warning: May contain traces of nuts (and matrices)
The math that ensures that it's none of your business
'If I Could Turn Back Time' by Cher (1989)
From coin flips to stochastic processes
How to get to the objective function of VAEs ...
Reverse-Mode Sensitivity Training
Geometric Brownian Motion & Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Process
Or how to differentiate a function of a stochastic process.
A Wiener twist to differential equations
Do you have a minute to talk about our lord and saviour, Thomas Bayes ... ?
Tackling the computational cost of GP's
Computing Wasserstein Distances
GPU Acceleration for Gaussian Processes
Sampling with the help of physics
Being Unsure About What To Recommend
Outsourcing Stochasticity and Making Normal Distributions Differentiable
What Shall We Recommend?
Goethe's Easter Walk, the Berlin Version
Using Gaussian Processes for Optimization
Extensions to Gaussian Processes
A Tutorial for Gaussian Processes
Talk on AlphaGo and Hierarchical RL
A Tutorial Talk on RL